Loot Tracker Shows kill count and drops with prices from monsters you kill. Players:online 76, in game Latest release: 1. Thanks to dennisdev for this great enhancement! The Prayer plugin now has an option to replace your prayer points display in your prayer orb with the time remaining until your prayer points expire. The Grand Exchange plugin now has an option to use fuzzy searching, allowing you to search abbreviations or imprecise spellings to find items. osbuddy64bitĪlso, as was the case prior to this release, you can reset an overlay's position and size using Alt and right-clicking the overlay. If you previously had Infobox wrap count set to a value other than 4, you will have to alt-drag and resize the overlay to cause the infoboxes to wrap again at the desired number. You can resize the infobox container to achieve the same effect, as shown below. The Infobox wrap count setting has been removed from RuneLite's config. Thanks to deathbeam for adding this feature. Integrates with Discord's Rich Presence to display what you're doing in the game and allows to form in-game parties.